Winning a National APEX Award

It is with humble pride I share my joy of being elected and awarded as the winner under the “Health and Medical Services Category” at the 35th Annual Conference & the 3rd National APEX awards hosted by the Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka (OPA). The ceremony was held at Cinnamon Lakeside Hotel in Colombo on the 16th of August 2022.

The Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka consists of a body of professionals with 52 member associations that presently cater to 32 disciplines and over 60,000 loyal members. The OPA is a prominent participant and plays a significant role during crises, natural disasters, and pandemics with the intent of relieving & assisting fellow Sri Lankan citizens.

I’m grateful for the appreciation bestowed upon me, and take this opportunity to thank the OPA for continued support & wish the organization all the success in its future endeavors! I also congratulate the other winners and wish them the best of luck!

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