Treat your heart right with Coenzyme Q10

How can you ensure that you treat your heart the way it deserves? While wholesome meals and ample exercise help you maintain a healthy heart, so do antioxidants.

Antioxidants play a vital role in preventing certain shifts that transform cholesterol molecules in the blood into substances that form plaques in artery walls, causing a blockage in the blood flow. Thus a proper intake of antioxidants may reduce the cholesterol plaque buildup in the coronary arteries and lower the risk of heart disease.

What is Coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant (organic molecule) naturally synthesized by the human body. CoQ10 substance is used by the cell membranes in the body, in both reduced (ubiquinol) and oxidized (ubiquinone) forms for its growth and maintenance, and is usually detected in high levels in the heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas, playing a pivotal role in metabolism.

However, the levels of CoQ10 in the human body decrease with age and particular health issues. But fortunately, the nutrient is present in many foods and can also be taken in form of supplements.

CoQ10 and your heart

The cardiac cells have high energy requirements, and CoQ10 assists the cells by restoring optimal energy levels, improving the heart’s function. Coenzyme Q10 is known to have helped patients ailing with certain cardiac diseases such as Heart Failure and Coronary Artery Disease.

CoQ10 also aids in reducing high blood pressure by widening the vessels that carry blood to and from the heart, thereby lessening future cardiac risks.

Furthermore, CoQ10 reduces oxidative stress preventing unstable molecules from damaging cells and tissues in the body.

CoQ10 also assists recovery in patients who have undergone bypass and heart valve surgeries.

Food that contains CoQ10

Food containing CoQ10, fortunately, isn’t hard to find and can easily be a part of your diet. CoQ10 is absorbed into the body devoid of any hesitancy, therefore, is safe and has very less amount of side effects.

Coenzyme Q 10 is found in food such as Organic Meat, Fatty Fish, Vegetables, Fruits Nuts & Seeds, Oils, and Legumes.

Coenzyme Q10 can also be taken as a supplement

CoQ10 is considered to be a safe supplement that is available in many forms. I would recommend a dosage between 100 mg and 150 mg per day, depending on your health.

Coenzyme Q10 can also offer you a heap of other benefits

You may wonder what more this wonder antioxidant can do? Coenzyme Q10 assists in slowing down aging, improving fertility, and exercise performance. It is also a good nutrient for patients with diabetes. CoQ10 is also known as an antioxidant used to counteract the adverse effects of Cholesterol-lowering medications such as statins.

In conclusion, let us try to include food rich in antioxidants in our daily diet, as it is the key to a healthy heart!

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