Too Young to Fall Short of Heart

A 24-year old Factory-worker who was also said to be a smoker was admitted to the hospital with a complaint of a severe chest pain. We found a major blockage of his front (left anterior descending) artery. He was promptly treated with angioplasty and stenting to open up the blocked artery and restore blood flow. The patient recovered completely within a span of two days and is now back to enjoying a normal life.
A Heart attack is a very serious condition where the blood flow to the heart is blocked, which is more common among the elderly population in Sri Lanka. But unfortunately, I have observed that during the past several years, the number of Heart Attacks among those aged between 25-35 in Sri Lanka is on the rise. This is significantly dominant among the male younger people.
Ever heard the phrase “prevention is better than cure”? Yes, with the right lifestyle, we can drive away Heart Attacks for good.
Our cumbersome lifestyle and the unwise decisions most of us are bound to make could be the main contributors to welcoming Heart Attacks.
Fast and processed foods may be considered a trend or a very fetching offer for you, providing an easy getaway from having to prepare meals but in the long run, it’s an open-armed welcome for Heart Attacks. These types of food contain large amounts of unhealthy and artificial fat, salt, and sugar which in return may cause obesity and diabetes, two of the greatest friends of a Heart Attack.
Addiction to smoking and substance abuse are once again an invitation for Heart Attacks.
Besides the obvious reasons, sits a stress-full lifestyle with no time to halt and relax. Stress raises your blood pressure and in many ways makes a Heart Attack more likely to come your way.
We tend to be extremely busy and preoccupied with various work and errands, and forget to save even a trace of “me-time” for ourselves. Lack of exercise is a loud call for trouble.
Why not work ourselves towards prevention? It’s not a mission that is impossible to achieve. By simple means, not only can you prevent Heart Attacks but also lead a happier life with your precious loved ones.
Let us start with our diet. A balanced and nutritious home-cooked meal? Doesn’t it sound wonderful for a change? Your taste buds may crave the usual artificial flavors and with the right recipe in your hands enjoy grilled, baked or steamed meals not only delicious but are also healthy. Ensure to use heart-healthy oils with healthy fats such as Olive Oil instead of Vegetable Oil, further enhancing your diet in a lively spirit.
Start loving and respecting yourself, keeping away from smoking, and other abusive substances.
Relish an early morning walk with the sunshine greeting you or dancing away to the music that you love or maybe enjoy a long ride on your bike for at least 45 minutes. Precisely any form of exercise would keep you fit and healthy and Heart Attacks at bay.
Always remember, your best investment is your health!

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