Save the Big Guy for the Greater Good!

Tuskers, a magnificent creation of nature that holds both cultural & religious significance in Sri Lanka symbolizing the great traits of majesty, pride & strength. However, this largest land mammal to be alive today is viewed as a nuisance by the majority of rural people living closer to elephant habitats, as they invade farms looking for crops & sadly these human-elephant encounters often end up being fatal for both parties.

Considered one of the four most sought-after big game animals by wildlife enthusiasts & tourists visiting Sri Lankan national parks, the importance of elephants keeps adding a lot more reasons as to why we should take sustainable initiatives to develop effective measures to resolve human-elephant conflict & to ensure wild elephants & tuskers are no longer being killed by farmers or poachers. If we as a country fail to take immediate action to protect them, these amazing creatures will be wiped out from our land in time to come & there will be no reason for the tourists to find Sri Lanka an exciting place with no elephants in our luscious jungles that will ultimately cut off a major lifeline of foreign inflow leaving our economy crippled.

There’re numerous researches done worldwide on wildlife that have demonstrated unique & exciting solutions that give us the chance to directly help mitigate such unfortunate events together with local wildlife conservation societies & activists. These conservation strategies are fundamentally focused on carrying out extensive observations on elephant behavior, wandering patterns & specific areas of their habitats that will help save the dramatically declining elephant population in Sri Lanka for the greater good.

India has established around 30 elephant reserves that allow elephants an exclusive space to freely move around & breed with strict restrictions to keep the people from entering these zones. In addition to this, the installation of bioacoustic sensors across the most vulnerable areas such as railway tracks has helped to identify elephants’ movement using sound waves transmitted to a control center enabling authorities to minimize accidents & poaching at a significant level!

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