Resurrect Your Heart – Stay Prepared to Save People from Falling Dead!

I’m deeply concerned to see more & more young people falling dead at random places due to sudden cardiac arrests most likely caused by covid infection. I suspect these individuals were probably at the early stage of recovery from Covid or the infection in them was subclinical that is completely asymptomatic. These sudden deaths reported from across the country could have been avoided with a simple cardiac message if anyone around them knew how to perform a basic hand-assisted cardiac compression procedure in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation & breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest.

Considering the prevailing situation & the toll of sudden deaths that keep rising by the day, it is advisable to refrain from any hardcore physical activities especially if you just recovered from Covid or having any sort of heart-related complications as you might be a silent carrier even though the symptoms are not visible.

Keeping aside all the bad news of deaths & sicknesses, my message to everyone in the country is that we can stay vigilant & better prepared with sufficient knowledge of preliminary life-saving techniques & first-aid procedures to help save lives in our vicinity. Further, on this matter, I strongly recommend having Defibrillator machines at places like supermarkets, public institutes & corporate offices to be able to immediately act upon such emergencies with trained individuals to intervene & handle these situations. We have institutions like the Red Cross, Sri Lanka College of Cardiologists & Sri Lanka College of Anesthesiologists to provide people with knowledge & training to help save lives at a time like this. I kindly request all of you to be more responsible & be better equipped to help a fellow human being in danger as this is a tough time & we all should think & act together to help one another in surviving this pandemic!

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