Immunity Boosters to Minimize the Risk of Covid-19 Infection

With the COVID-19 virus on the rise again & daily infection rates up, here’s something we all can do to boost our individual immunity levels to help curb the spread of the virus.

In my hand are a bouquet of over-the-counter medicine including Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, & Fish Oil.

It is commonly known & scientifically proven that taking daily doses of Vitamin C (500mg every day), Zinc & fish oil (1000mg every day) boosts up our immunity and this practice will greatly increase our chances of not contracting the COVID-19 virus even if we are exposed to it.

However, I want to put a special emphasis today on the importance of getting enough Vitamin D every day. Being low on Vitamin D not only makes it easier for you to contract the virus if you are exposed to it, but there is also a higher chance of developing complications. We can easily take Vitamin D (2,000 units daily) as a supplement shown here or naturally by making sure we get exposed to sunlight between 8am and 11am for 20 to 30 minutes.

I also highly recommend getting a simple blood check done to asses your Vitamin D levels. If the level is below 12ng/ml, it is imperative that you take supplements & get exposed to natural sunlight as recommended above to raise your Vitamin D levels.

Let’s all do our part to keep ourselves & our loved ones safe during this difficult time!

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