How laughter boosts your immune system & prevents heart attacks

"We don't laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh"

Laughter is essential for maintaining a good mood & good health, as well as keeping your immune system strong. Good, hearty laughter decreases your overall stress hormone levels and increases your immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies to improve your resistance against infections.

In addition, laughter improves your heart’s blood vessel function and expands the arteries in the heart, thereby helping prevent heart attacks. On a day-to-day basis, laughter promotes creativity, gives more energy, and elevates your mood.

It is highly recommended that we have fun & laugh every day, especially in the morning. Even if it doesn’t come naturally at first, we should start by going to a mirror and laughing for at least 5 minutes because it gives all the above-mentioned benefits and makes the rest of the day much better.

The Benefits of laughter are more important these days while we all are trying to avoid infections & doing our best to keep our moods high, and it is a good practice to include in our daily lives!

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