Getting a Beat on Heart Health for Women!

• Heart Disease is the #1 killer of women (It is more deadly than all forms of cancer combined)
• Heart disease causes 1 in 3 deaths of women each year
• 90% of women have one or more risk factors for heart disease
• The signs of heart attack can be different for women than they are for men and often goes unnoticed
• 44% of women are unaware of good heart health (lack of awareness is putting women’s lives at risk, and lowering survival rates)

Women need to get real about the risk without getting their heart health for granted assuming it’s a man’s disease. Awareness equals motivation to make changes that lead to a healthy heart. Moreover, frequent screening for cholesterol, blood pressure & diabetes will be of great help to identify your risk factors early & start working on them!

Happy Women’s Day!
Heartiest appreciation to all the valiant women out there for being such a stellar source of strength & aspiration with an undying passion to make the world a better place!

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