Fix Gut Bacteria to Prevent Heart Attacks!

You know the old saying, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? It turns out there’s a whole new twist to that cliché.
Did you know that you’re affected not only by what you eat but also by what the natural microorganisms in your guts metabolize after you eat? It’s true. Not only can these bacteria affect metabolism, immune responses & even mood, now it’s believed they may also affect heart health!

Researchers have discovered more about how the trillions of bacteria dwelling deep inside your digestive tract can affect your risk of cardiovascular disease. Collectively known as the gut microbiome, these microbes assist with digestion, but also make certain vitamins, break down toxins, & train your immune system.
Recently, several studies have explored how our gut microbes interact with the food we eat to spur artery-damaging inflammation & narrowing. Studies have shown that when gut microbes feed on certain chemicals called choline, lecithin & carnitine found in processed food, sugar, high starchy food, certain protein shakes, red meat, egg yolks & dairy products, they produce a compound called trimethylamine oxide (TMA). In the liver, TMA is converted to Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) & it affects the body’s metabolism of cholesterol, leading to enhanced development of plaque on blood vessel walls, cholesterol deposition, blood clots & clogs in the coronary arteries & blood thickening which increase the risk of heart disease.

Active observations & measures have indicated that individuals with high TMAO levels are more vulnerable to heart attacks, heart diseases & strokes. Today this newfound methodology has proven to be effective in predicting heart-related complications.

Consumption of a heart-healthy diet has shown to reduce TMAO levels. So, people who eat a lot of red meat, processed food & sugar must think about switching to a more plant-based diet & make fresh vegetables, fruits & whole grains an essential part of what you eat.
In addition to plant food, you can still enjoy fish & chicken to fulfill your protein needs but cutting down your sugar intake should be considered a must. Given the local context, every Sri Lankan is privileged to enjoy abundant amounts of fresh fruits, vegetables & fish from all corners of the country & they can even have their own organic garden at home. While eating right, you should also pay equal attention to keep your body moving on a daily basis to keep your heart fit & healthy!

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