Conversation with Dinesh Weerakkody

Dr. Gotabhaya Ranasinghe is the Senior Consultant Cardiologist at the National Hospital of Sri Lanka and also Honorary Consultant Cardiologist to the Sri Lanka Navy holding the rank of Surgeon Rear admiral. He is a leading general and interventional Cardiologist in the country. He completed a Fellowship in Clinical and Interventional Cardiology at John Radcliff Hospital in Oxford, United Kingdom, has performed about 9,000 procedures including approximately 4,000 Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCI) in his career. In addition he has written two short books, has several peer reviewed publications and made more than 40 presentations in Cardiology conferences. He was the President of Sri Lanka Heart Association (SLHA) in 2014. Dr. Ranasinghe also co-founded ‘STEMI Sri Lanka Forum’ to optimize STEMI care in Sri Lanka. Dr Ranasinghe is a commentator and writes frequently to newspapers and journals.

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