What is Myocarditis?

Myocarditis is a disease caused by the inflammation of the myocardium, also referred to as the heart muscle. Such inflammation occurs when an infection reaches the heart muscle reducing its ability to pump blood, causing abnormal heart rhythms, also known as Cardiac Arrhythmias which could lead to cardiac arrest, heart failure, or sudden death.

Myocarditis is usually caused by Viral infections which include adenoviruses and enteroviruses such as coxsackievirus. Recent findings show that Parvovirus B-19 and human herpesvirus 6 were also associated with a significant percentage of patients diagnosed with myocarditis.

The annual incidence of Myocarditis in the pre-COVID era was at 0.8 per 100,000, especially among children. Myocarditis among adults is quite rare in comparison to that of children.

Should we fear getting ourselves vaccinated?

Lately, I have witnessed an unnecessary amount of fear & doubt among people who believe that Myocarditis may be caused after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination. However, recent studies show us that, the incidence of Myocarditis is highest amongst Covid-19 patients, in comparison to the vaccine-related Myocarditis cases that have been reported.

As per the data received, the possibility of getting Myocarditis is as less as 1 patient for every 300,000 vaccinated individuals. The studies have also revealed that 3,000 people are bound to be affected by Myocarditis for every 300,000 Covid-19 infected patients. This shows a 3,000 times increase of Covid-19 Myocarditis in comparison to Covid-19 Vaccine-related Myocarditis.

Most patients infected with Covid-19-related and Vaccine-related Myocarditis were asymptomatic and showed mild symptoms. Only 90% of such cases were detected by various tests such as cardiac MRI. Most of the patients recovered fully without any residual damage or any fatalities. Data reveals that 99% of patients who were infected with Covid-19 Vaccine-related Myocarditis gained complete recovery, whereas only 70% of the patients infected with Covid-19-related Myocarditis recovered fully while 20% of the patients faced fatalities.

We are safest when we are vaccinated!

Thus, rest assured that Covid-19 Vaccine-related Myocarditis is extremely rare, and also they’re asymptomatic, and fatalities are minimal.

We should also remember that the patients who were infected by Covid-19-related Myocarditis were asymptomatic and had significant fatalities. Therefore, if one gets infected with Covid-19, they should not take being asymptomatic for granted, and it is essential to take all the necessary precautions.

Therefore, I urge you to get fully vaccinated without compromising your health & well-being based on false fear of getting Myocarditis!

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