Boost your immunity naturally during the COVID pandemic

In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, and among other nasty diseases and infections, it’s important to keep your immune system healthy and robust. If you have kept up with my page, sometime back I gave you advice on a ‘cocktail’ of over-the-counter medicines (such as widely available vitamins and minerals) to take to boost the immune system. However, there is another thing you can do on your free time that will not only give your immune system a substantial boost, but bring you other short-term and long term benefits as well!

Simply put, this method is regular exercise. If you want to substantially boost your immune system so it has a better chance of warding of COVID-19 and other infections, feel great, and lose weight, THE SINGLE BEST thing you can do is regular exercise.

If you can jog at an intensity that keeps your heart-rate elevated to 65% of the maximum rate (calculate the maximum heart rate in bpm by subtracting your age from 220), for 3km to 5km per day for five days or more every week, your immune system will get strengthened and ready to fight off infections.

In addition, you will be in a better mood and have more energy to do your day to day activities and become more productive, so there’s really no downside to this regular exercise.

Keep healthy, keep active, keep fit, and fight infections with exercise!

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