Let us be committed to restoring peace & safety and rebuild mother Sri Lanka

I was shocked, and it was very painful to witness the harsh harassment of peaceful protestors that led to many casualties and deaths.
We are passionate and are patriots of mother Sri Lanka. While it saddens and angers us to see our beloved brothers & sisters abused, let us not tempt ourselves to be violent. Be patient. Be wise. Be together as one nation. Violence effectively destroys us, and anger can never rebuild a nation.
As a doctor, I cannot discriminate against anyone and strongly believe that violence should not be responded to with violence.
By being aggressive we forget who we truly are and set ourselves on a slippery slope. Dear citizens of Sri Lanka, do not define yourself with violence.
The time has come to move forward. Let us not be a part of an escalating crisis, a blood bath, where many generations to come will have to face serious repercussions.
It is time to build a corruption-free nation. Together we can face the challenges and go far. Where there is unity, victory awaits!
I strongly believe that we should appoint an Interim Administrative Council created with impartial, nonpolitical professionals from various fields of business and religious leaders. Professionals and academics from a wide spectrum such as Economists, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Entrepreneurs, Farmers, etc; should take the reins and govern the country. Their exposure, experience, and wisdom need to be shared and would certainly assist to hoist Sri Lanka, harnessing well for the many challenges we face and are yet to come.
Let the professionals for once take matters into their hands, and with the unwavering support of the citizens, IMF and the other nations that are sure to come forward lending their hands to rebuild Sri Lanka.
Professionals are impartial, flexible, and not afraid to change course when and where it is required. Once the country is stabilized, an election can be held, a new parliament can be elected to govern the country towards the prestige and prosperity she once boasted a long time ago.
Yes, it is a hard journey yet not an impossible one if we stand together for each other as one nation.
Sri Lanka, the time has come to act wisely. Remember that hatred is never appeased by hatred. Together as one, we win!
Let peace and justice prevail!

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